Raindrops keep fallin' on my head Looking outside, the song "Raindrops keep fallin' on my head" came to mind. April showers bring May flowers, so I won't complain about the rain...I'll just wear a hat.#raindropskeepfallinonmyhead #bjthomas #aprilshowersbringmayflowers #complainabouttherain #justwearahat #normawalton #normajeanwalton
Looking outside, the song "Raindrops keep fallin' on my head" came to mind. April showers bring May flowers, so I won't complain about the rain...I'll just wear a hat.#raindropskeepfallinonmyhead #bjthomas #aprilshowersbringmayflowers #complainabouttherain #justwearahat #normawalton #normajeanwalton